Yesterday is the 7th week meeting with Mr.yamaguchi. I demonstrated what I’ve learned these days and he soleved lots of my questions.
Now the outline of programming seems more clear. What I need to do is programming on the PPE, and let the PPE controls the SPEs to work. Each SPE is the same as to the PPE, and the waiting mechanism is the main point I will work on in the PPE. Other things such as how to transfer data, and how to store are nothing with my business.
First, each SPE should develop some kinds of ordering listener to do what PPE ask them to do. And at the same time, PPE, as a controller will need serveral working session to decide what SPE should do depends on the detail information on it.
Second, the PPE hold each SPE’s detail information should include: name, tagid, thread, argp, tagidneed, status. Under the control of PPE, SPE will be assigned different work and after finishing working, send the result back. As feed back, the PPE will use the result which SPE sent back to activate other SPE.
Then, PPE will hold a storage space for data, and result cache. For each work pieces. It will create a SPE data block. Calculate and verify the dependency, and assign an SPE to work. If the data SPE need is not done yet, the SPE thread will sleep until all the data result finish sent from other SPE to the PPE.
Now we simulate what we discuss with PPE and SPE program.
我们假设有4个数据块需要被运算,分别为data_block0 ~ data_block3
他们的运算结果分别为:data_block0_result ~ data_block3_result
他们的运算依赖分别是:data_block0_init, data_block0_result, data_block0_result, data_block0&1&2_result