

第六次和山口老师会面,主要说了一下我对最近工作的进展情况的感受,和我了解和学习到的IBM CELL处理器相关编程知识。感觉后续的任务还是很艰巨的,有很多文档要阅读,很多论文要看。因为这些东西都是自己以前从来没有接触过的,基本算是要从最 底层原理,到接口文档,到实现,都要自己来干,除了仅有的C++还是有LIB扩从的。周围有没什么人好讨论的,好在老师英语还不错,所以这个毕业设计还是 很锻炼人的。不管是从英语水平,阅读论文,独立解决问题,从理解完全不知道的东西,到读文档,看SDK,看实例代码,配置环境,跑代码,写代码。相信会很 有收获的。 继续阅读


Basic knowledge
LISP: LISt Processor. It is a function language for the list.
Data-driven machine: different from the old machines. It execute with the data flow.
Pseudo-result: not a actual-result but can be used in the next function as a semi-result.
Processing element: the basic unit of processing. We often call it PE.
Lazy uation: uation of a computation is delayed until the following computation requires the actual argument values.
A new control mechanism: use a data-driven architecture (one of non von-Neumann computers) to exhibits full potential for parallelism both in hardware and software.
Parallel: Divide a program into different piece and execurate in serval processing element at the same time. To do so, we can accelerate the speech of processing time and use the time and space wisely.
Semi-result: A cons operation include a pseudo-result or a semi-result
Actual-result: result with the real data after execurating.
Packet oriented architecture: data transference between each section in a PE is done by a packet in a pipeline manner as well as between each PE
Pseudo-result lifetime: a time interval from the time when a new pseudo-result is created, to the time when the value of the result becomes actual-result.

Details of it

First section, the organization of the data-driven machine is described.
Function uation scheme –
to achieve eager uation with pseudo-result, allows some degree of overlapping of computation.
Machine Organization –
multiprocessing system with a number of identical PEs in wich each PE is connected via a packet communication network. 继续阅读